A Theology of Suffering.
Suffering is a part of life but sometimes it can feel as though we are lost with no one to find us; that we have been forgotten by God and that He cannot hear us. What we need is a helpful theology of suffering. Christians have aways suffered but suffering as a Christian is also unique in that we always have hope. How should we approach suffering? Whether it be sickness, or the loss of a loved one. Here we explore and unpack a biblical theology of suffering.
Why does God appoint and ordain broken leaders for his people?
God uses broken people. When we look at who God uses it can seem jarring; off-putting; confusing even. But why? Why does God use flawed people to serve him and sometimes, to lead his people? There are four primary reasons - all of them glorify God.
The Four Biblical Roots of Sickness.
The bible speaks about four roots of sickness. If we’re going to deal with sickness then we need to pull it out by the root; making sure we are pulling at the right root.
What is Faith?
What does it really mean to have faith? Let’s look at what Jesus says about Real Faith.