My Church tried to teach me to speak in tongues.

Any gift of the Holy Spirit is just that, it is a gift – not a skill or a craft. A lot of the speaking in tongues which people utter today is babble and it doesn’t resemble anything that we see in scripture. Sometimes people are in environments where they feel pressured to speak in tongues or where it’s seen as a second try line after baptism, so they try to drag people to it. Truth be told much of what is classes as tongues today is a mockery of the real and beautiful gift of tongues which the Holy Spirit gives.

There are at least 3 types of tongues recorded in scripture that I can see in the New Testament:

1. Tongues as a sign for non-believers (Acts 2; 1 Corinthians 14) this is a real foreign language to the speaker.

2. Various types of tongues – a message spoken in the gathering or assembly which requires interpretation – not translation to be understood (1 Corinthians 14: Daniel 5: Acts 19) – interpretation not translation is the key difference between how we receive earthy languages and heavenly languages. This is sometimes referred to as tongues of angels.

3. Tongues for personal prayer (directly between the speaker and God) – What Paul meant when he said I speak in tongues more than any of you – I wish you all would speak in tongues. This is a type of prayer which is unhindered by self because the Spirit prays through us.

All three of these are sudden imparted gifts. Tongues are given as a sign and as a witness to non-believers in the first case; as a specialized message to the body in the second instance (which also always needs interpretation - remember this is not translation); or thirdly to carry your personal prayers into the very presence of God unhindered by sin and pride.

In all cases they cannot be taught – it is a supernatural expression of the kingdom.

There is a difference between being led – someone saying, “I can guide you through,” and being taught: “I can show you how.” There is space with all the gifts to be led in them and expand in your use of them by biblical teach around the gift. The primary message that I’m putting forth is that it is simply unscriptural to be taught how to be speaking in tongues. You should learn about all the gifts and how to use them effectively, remembering that it’s the Holy Spirit who gives these gifts to each as He wills (1 Corinthians 12:11).

A gift requires receiving, not teaching, in order to enter it.


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